2015年1月15日 星期四

Why college degree is just a piece of paper

                                                Why college degree is just a piece of paper
A relatively deep controversy exists over whether or not a college degree is important to us. While some people hold the belief that college degrees are extremely important, others consider the notion of a college degree to not be so important, just a paper. After considerable contemplation pertaining to this matter, I’m of the viewpoint that a college degree is just a paper.   

Firstly, apple creator Steve job quit college in his second year. He found his interest and to started his own business with his friend. They created a lot of high technology products. Furthermore he earned a lot of money and became very wealthy. He did not have college degree, but he was became very successful.

Second of all, there was a man who is very famous in Taiwan called Wong yong qing. He finished his primary school and although he never went to school for study, he was the richest man in Taiwan. Moreover, he made a lot of money each year. See he did not have college degree either, but he was also very successful.
The third reason why I think college degree is just a pieces of paper is that. Here are so many who have become successful without college degrees. They are able to make a lot of money without a college degree. They don’t need to study so much in theory and then they can makes so much money. They don’t need to go to school, and they don’t need to do homework. That they don’t need to take an exam either. And the main thing, I think is they are intelligent because they didn’t need to pay much money to get a useless college degree. I think the reason why so many colleges are able to exist, especially in Taiwan is because too many people don’t realize that a college degree is just a piece of paper. And we need these papers to find a job, because so many company’s request their employees to have these papers. Than they compare you with others, looking for whose paper is more value. And then the winner of this game can got higher wages. Apparently the most valuable paper means that a person has graduated from a high quality school its means had to pay more money to get that degree. And think about it, if we were willing to pay more moneys to get that degree, why not the company give us more money to work.
Another reason why I think college degree is just a piece of paper is that in Taiwan average wages for college graduate student is 22k. But a skills worker is able to make 40-50k for a month. Therefore I think a college degree is not that important for us.

A lot of people are prepared to go to a research institute for study. Because they think a college degree is not enough for then. Those peoples want high wages. So they go to the institute for study, and if they are able to graduate from the research institute they can make 40-50k for a month, the same as skills worker. On the other hand some people think that although skilled workers can make 40-50k for a month they are unwilling to do this job because they think if they do this job they will lose their face. In addition for my personal view, I think people should not be a slave to the money. Because money is also just paper. How can people live just for a piece of paper? So the most important thing is to find your interest. To find work which is interesting to you is very important even though in this job may not make you a lot of money, you will still feel very happy to do your job.    

The last reason why I think a college degree is just a paper is due to some research on the internet. Lots of people graduated from college, and there were unable to find a job. Taiwan has a lot of colleges, and in generals colleges in Taiwan were divided in to two types. The first type is call integrated college. The second type is call Technology College. People can learn some skills in Technology College. But people cannot learn any skills in integrated college.

Even though peoples can learn some skill in technology college, for a lot of companies those people who graduated from technology college are still not good enough to work in there company, because some companies think those people who graduated from a technology college  do not have skills that fit to the company’s needs. That’s mean those peoples who have learned a lot of skill in college were of no use for the company which they want to work. So there are a lot of graduate students unable to find a job.  The other thing I want to talk about is payment. What is payment? I have seen a people who re-define payment on the internet and I think his thought is completely right he said  Re-definition: PAYMENT – the pain-ment of work, labor and effort that one gifts into an activity, product or service. These people, who work to the bone in sweatshops all over the world and all people who work anywhere, are the ones who actually pay and make the PAIN-MENT for our shit that we then buy with money: our iPhoneys, our fancy plastic fantasies, our clothes etc. Workers are the ones who paid for it.

Based upon the aforementioned reasons, I think college degree is just a paper. Naturally, circumstances may dictate otherwise, but as of now this is where my heart sits.

