2014年10月31日 星期五

Studying in university isn't always fun

Some  one  says  studying  in  university  is  fun ,but  i  say  going  to  university  isn't  always  fun.
now  i  want  to  give you some  reasons ,  to  explaining  why  i  thought  study  in  university  isn't   always  fun, First  some  teachers  giving  students  a  lot   of   homework's ,  and  students  in  order  to   completed   there  homework's ,  they  can   not  heaving  a  out   door  actively  with   there  friend.  Next  studying   in  university  is  completely  different  to  studying  in  high  school  ,studying  in  high  school   teachers  will   always  take  care  of  you,  but  studying  in   university  must  leaning  how  to  be  independent ,  and  responsible .  The  only  persons  who  will   care  about  you  is  your  true  friend ,  after  that  studying  in   university  you  must  be  attention  about  the  relationship  with  the  peoples  you  meat,  don't   judged  the   persons  with   appearance .
studying  in  university  isn't  always  fun,  but  at  some  aspect  studying  in  university  is  fun,  i  feel  extremely  free  at  university  i  can  arranged  my  time  by  my   self  ,   and  do  all  the  things  i  like  to  do,  no  one  can  control  me,  but  in  high  school  i  can  not  arranged  my  time  by  my   self ,  high  school  students  must  following  teachers  instruction, so  high  school  student  is  not  that  free.  In  addition,  studying  in  university  isn't  always  boring,  in  school  student  can  have  a  lot   of  actively,  student  can  be  able  to handout  with  there  friends,  if  time  is  admitted,   so  i  think  the  most  important  things  is  to  learned  how  to  arranging  you  time,  knowing  how  to  arranging  time  is  very  important,  not  only  in  school  but  also  in  the  society. If  a  person  can  arranging  his  time  effectively and  then  he can  do  his  work  effectively. So  studying  in  university  isn't  always fun,  but  at  other  aspect  study  in  university  can  be  fun,  it  depend  on  what  you  think.        

2014年10月17日 星期五

My thoughts

This  week , I  have   been   thinking   a  lot   about   my  future .  Because  I  thought  the  Ebola  virus  will  arrive  here  in  Taiwan,  i   watching   the   news  every   single  days , they  say  the  Ebola  virus  has  spread  in  USA  and   some  European   country's  , so   may   be   one   day   this  virus   will  be  able  to  spread   in    Taiwan  .  so  this  week  i  was  just   thinking   about  that ,if   one   day   i  have   been   infected  with   this  virus , what  should  i  do .  May   be   i  will  become  more  seriously  and   die  or  maybe  i  can  survive  .  It  depends  on   what   kind  of   medical   treatment   i   have   been   given  .  If  the   doctor   treats  me  appropriately   i  will  survive ,  but  if  the  doctor  treats  me  inappropriate  i   will   be   dead .  I  heard  the  news  say   one   Ebola  patient  had  died  in  USA  because  the  doctor  treated  that   patient  inappropriate   or   maybe   the   doctor  didn't   realize  that  patient  got  the  Ebola  virus .   Then  i  started   thinking  that  how  can  the  doctor   ID  the  patient  with  the  Ebola  virus  accurately.I  heard  a drug  call  ZMapp  can   possible  help  the  patient  recover  from  Ebola, the  two  USA   doctors  has  recover  by  ZMapp . so  if  some  one   has  infected  with  this  virus,  it  can   possible  to  be  survive,  I  felt  a  little  bit   relieve  when  i  heard  this  news.The  reason  why  i  fellow  Ebola  news  for  a  long   time  is   because  this   virus  has  kill  thousand    peoples  live ,Especially  in  south  Africa  some  doctors  go  to  there   to   treats  those   patients  with   Ebola, and  i   am   so   respect  to   those  doctors  who  are   willing  to  go  to   those   region  to  take  care   of   those  patients. In  this  world  if  all  the   human  are  willing  to  help  the  people  who  needs  to  be  help,  Our  world  will   be   more  beautiful.

2014年10月10日 星期五

Thomas Eric Duncan a patients with Ebola was treated unfairly

Thomas   Eric   Duncan   was   the  first   person  diagnosed   with   Ebola   in  the  USA .   He  is  now   the  first   person   to   die  from   the   disease   in  this   country  his  nephew  released  a   statement   saying : Eric  Duncan   was  treated   unfairly .   Eric   walked   into  the  hospital .  the  other   patients  were  carried   in   after  an  18  hour  flight .  it  is  suspicious  to  us  that  all  the  white  patients  survived  and  this  one  black  patient  passed  away. It  took   8  days  to  get  him  medicine .  He  didn't   begin   treatment   in   Africa  he  began  treatment   here.  but  he  wasn't  given  a  chance. In  this  world  every  persons  was  not  treats   equality ,  some  person   can   got  a  eases   life  but  some  got  hard  life , some  people can  be  luckily , and  some  people  can  be  unfortunately   what   kind   of  the  reasons  make  this  things   happened ,to  be   honest  i  don't   know  but  i  am  so  curious  about  that ,  so  i  started   to  belief  God.  God  blessed  a  good   persons ,  for  the  very  begging  i  don't  belief  God  exist  in  this  world , but  now  i  becomes  more  and  more  religion   because  when   some   time  i  felt  so  painful ,  suffering  i  put  God  in my  heart  and  then  i  will  feel  more  relief  and  more  optimistic ,  and  my   heart  will  be  able  to  face  problem .  i  don't  know  why  this  phenomenon   can   happened   to  me .  may  be  i  am to  religions..............................
In  brief  you  can  not  chose  the  family  you  want  to  lived ,  but  you  can  chose  the  future   you  want  to  be  ,  steady  faith   and  working  hard  is  the  way  to  success ,  looser  always  find  some  excuse   to   enplaned   why  he  loosed  ,  and   never  blame  him  self.

2014年10月8日 星期三

New begin

Recently  i  had  stared  my   new   life  in  Asia  university .  I,m   super  new  in  this  campus , every  things  for  me  looks  so  unfamiliar  .  but  i   stall   felt   so   great    about   my   new  life   in  here . especially  a  student  whom  i  met , he  helped  me  all   the   things  with   passion. He  treat  me  very  friendly  and  kindly  . suddenly  we  be  came  friend.  we  talked  a  lot  of  our   personal  life   with   each  other , such  as  how  many  members  in  your  family  and  so  on..................
In  additional   in  our   school   had   a  lot   of   beautiful   building  these  building  are  really    inspirited  me .I  like   my   classmate  very   much  they  looks  very   kind  and   friendly  and  i  like  my  major  too,  in  this  major  i  can  be  able  to   learned  a  lot  of  subject   that  i  never  saw  it  before .  And   fortunately  all  the  teachers  i  met  are  foreign  teachers. I  thought  environment   for  English   learner  is  very  important , be  willing  to  talking  more  writhing  more   reading  more  are  also  very  important  for  English  learner .  more  practice  more  progress .I  think  i  become   more   used  to  the  life   in  school, but  in  the   first  week  i  felt  so  tried  about  my  school,  because  in order  to  not  be  late  for  class  i  need  to   get   up   very  early  and  in  the  class  all  the  teacher are  speaking    English  for   teaching . At  very  begging  l  felt  surely  pressure  but  now  i am  used to  it.  Finally  i  think  study  in   Asia   university  is  very   interesting  because  in  this  campus,  can  meet  diversity  of   people  from   different   background .I  felt  purely  blessing  i  can  have  this  opportunity  studly  here .