2014年10月10日 星期五

Thomas Eric Duncan a patients with Ebola was treated unfairly

Thomas   Eric   Duncan   was   the  first   person  diagnosed   with   Ebola   in  the  USA .   He  is  now   the  first   person   to   die  from   the   disease   in  this   country  his  nephew  released  a   statement   saying : Eric  Duncan   was  treated   unfairly .   Eric   walked   into  the  hospital .  the  other   patients  were  carried   in   after  an  18  hour  flight .  it  is  suspicious  to  us  that  all  the  white  patients  survived  and  this  one  black  patient  passed  away. It  took   8  days  to  get  him  medicine .  He  didn't   begin   treatment   in   Africa  he  began  treatment   here.  but  he  wasn't  given  a  chance. In  this  world  every  persons  was  not  treats   equality ,  some  person   can   got  a  eases   life  but  some  got  hard  life , some  people can  be  luckily , and  some  people  can  be  unfortunately   what   kind   of  the  reasons  make  this  things   happened ,to  be   honest  i  don't   know  but  i  am  so  curious  about  that ,  so  i  started   to  belief  God.  God  blessed  a  good   persons ,  for  the  very  begging  i  don't  belief  God  exist  in  this  world , but  now  i  becomes  more  and  more  religion   because  when   some   time  i  felt  so  painful ,  suffering  i  put  God  in my  heart  and  then  i  will  feel  more  relief  and  more  optimistic ,  and  my   heart  will  be  able  to  face  problem .  i  don't  know  why  this  phenomenon   can   happened   to  me .  may  be  i  am to  religions..............................
In  brief  you  can  not  chose  the  family  you  want  to  lived ,  but  you  can  chose  the  future   you  want  to  be  ,  steady  faith   and  working  hard  is  the  way  to  success ,  looser  always  find  some  excuse   to   enplaned   why  he  loosed  ,  and   never  blame  him  self.

