2015年3月27日 星期五

If I could change one thing about humanity this is what I would do

If I could change one thing I would eliminate all worries within the human mind. Everyone wants a worry free life. Imagine that in this word, people could live without worries. Oh Lord what a beautiful picture. See there is a father who brought so many gifts to his child and you could either see smile on father or his childs face. The father was smiling because he did not need to worry about money. There is other picture I want to show you. You clearly see there is a man who wants to have a coffee with his friend. He does not need to worry about if his work is done or not and he just hangs out with his friend. Obviously, this is kind of the live you and I are looking for.
No one wants a depressing life. As a human we all knew depression can cause people too have many disease. People desire to live a positive live. But as a result it seems it doesn’t work. In this world having so many people get mental disease or heart disease and so on…………………………………………
So I think the only way we can solve human mental problem is to create a type of medicine which can eliminate all worries within the human mind.

People should have a mental healthy life. As a human we always put more attention to our physical health more than our mental health. In general mental health is more important than physical health. Because physical patient can be treated well by medicine but not mental patients.
In conclusion if I could change one thing about humanity I would eliminate all worries within human mind. Because worries just look like the devil which can destroy so many people lives. Also I think the reason people come to this word is for a happy live, not a depressing live. If we allowing worries to exist in human minds, we cannot be happy people.

