2015年6月18日 星期四

Student reflection for 2015

While this year was my second years studying at Asia University, but I am a transfer student to department of foreign languages. So of course I faced a lot of challenge this year in the university. For example, I need to learn the course which I haven’t learn in the first year and also learn the second year course (very busy).

Despite that I have made a big progress for my English learning. For example, I get a high score in linguistics course final. For me I think linguistics is the most difficult course that I never have taken. So I’m very proud about myself.

On the other hand, I have learned how to be more confident from a failure. I can still remember that day it was my first English class and my teacher require every student came to the stage and to introduce our self. Not too far away it’s my turn. At that time I felt very shy and also very nervous. I had heard some laugh under the stage so I knew at that time I was funny. But after that I become more confident while I was making a speech in front my classmate.

I knew next year is much more challenge for me because I have saw the third year student course. It’s really difficult. So I hopes everything will be fin for next year.       

