2016年2月19日 星期五

Unforgettable holiday

This winter holiday for me is an unforgettable ones. Because I did a lot of different things compering to before. I used to sleep and eating for the entire time but this time I asked my parents whether or not I can have the opportunity to work in their office. After three- four days they respond yes to me. At that time I was so exciting with that response but when I was there for probably one week I felt regret because of bored. I do not have my own business instead of waiting to get off work. To my memory the only thing that I can do is to make a phone call to overseas agents or to write some e-mail to them because of my mom said that my English is very good which I do not agree but compering to them I would say relatively better. Although I felt so bored while I was working their but after three weeks working experience I had not only learned something but also I feel that my parents are so hard working.

The other reason I would say this winter holiday is special is that the weather was too cold not only in shanghai but also for all around the world. -7 was the number which I didn’t have experienced before. In my home the water pipes was broken at that day I do not have taking the shower before I went to bed.

Furthermore our family went to Suzhou having two days trip I had already went there for several times but I would say that this time makes me feel unforgettable. Despite that we do not have an opportunity to visit all the place we want to go because of too much people there I still feel so great that I can have this chance to having a trip with my family. And also I took a lot of pictures with my parents.
Finally the last thing makes me feel unforgettable is that I drove my father’s car took my parents to their office. I have already get driver’s license probably about 6 months ago in shanghai but I do not have the opportunity to drive. Although I had driven experience in Taiwan but I still feel very stressful while I was driving because my father always reminds me that driving in china is not like in Taiwan people here do not pay attention when they are driving.

Each time when I open the news a big earthquake which struck Tainan makes me feel so bad. Although I have never went there before but I can feel how painful they were especially the family who last their love one. I think this event can happen to everyone if people still put too much attention on money but not on people life while they are making a building. More than 100 innocent people life one third of them are CHILDREN some of them are BABY each time when I see this number not just sad but angry.    

