2015年6月18日 星期四

Student reflection for 2015

While this year was my second years studying at Asia University, but I am a transfer student to department of foreign languages. So of course I faced a lot of challenge this year in the university. For example, I need to learn the course which I haven’t learn in the first year and also learn the second year course (very busy).

Despite that I have made a big progress for my English learning. For example, I get a high score in linguistics course final. For me I think linguistics is the most difficult course that I never have taken. So I’m very proud about myself.

On the other hand, I have learned how to be more confident from a failure. I can still remember that day it was my first English class and my teacher require every student came to the stage and to introduce our self. Not too far away it’s my turn. At that time I felt very shy and also very nervous. I had heard some laugh under the stage so I knew at that time I was funny. But after that I become more confident while I was making a speech in front my classmate.

I knew next year is much more challenge for me because I have saw the third year student course. It’s really difficult. So I hopes everything will be fin for next year.       

2015年6月5日 星期五

How will the world change in the next twenty years?

In this world everyday things was changing, not only the things you can see but also the things you cannot see. For example, there are so much chemicals which contain in the air changing every single day. On the other hand, there are so many people who leave this world and also so many new born came to this world. All of those phenomenon we called it “change”. So the world change in the next twenty years is very difficult to predict.

In the next twenty years maybe so many people will lose their job, because the new technology instead of their job. For example, in the next twenty years there would be so many factory worker will lose their job. Because of the new technology can do their job. On the other hand, in the next twenty years there would be no worker exist in the office. The boss is no longer need to pay any dollar to his employee, the only item he need to pay is robot.

In the next twenty years maybe students are no longer to bring books to the classroom. In order to protect environment, reduce chop down trees. The books which made from paper will no longer exist in this world. For example, in that time student will bring a kind of book called “E-BOOK” to the classroom.

In conclusion, duo to the human become much more intelligent, so technology become much more intelligent as well. To bring about is very difficult to predict the world in the next twenty years. The only thing I knew is that the life we live in the next twenty years will be more intelligent than the life we life now.

2015年5月22日 星期五

Bad memory

When I was probability about 15 years old, my head was hit by the back window of my father car. In fact, this hit really impacted my head. Even today, I frequently still feel uncomfortable.

I still remember that day, it was a beautiful afternoon. Both my parents were very busy moving the house. My father had put all the furniture into the back of his car. Suddenly, tragedy happened. When I was checking the furniture which was in the back of my father’s car, he suddenly closed the back door on top of my head. The window hit my head very heavily.

At that moment, I felt that I lost all my memory. Also, my head was very painful. I could hardly stand. In short, I was unclear about the situation until I awoke.

Sometimes, I think things would be different if this situation hadn't happened to me. For example, I could have become more clever and I could have learned things more easily. For instance, when I felt uncomfortable I would always blame my father why, why did he close the back door on my head?

Finally, I think it is unnecessary to place bad memories in the mind. Because when you lose, bad memory can become an excuse for your lose. In short, the more positive way to deal with a bad memory is to eliminate bad memory. Than you will forgive yourself and accept yourself.  

2015年5月8日 星期五

A Description of Myself

A Description of Myself

There are so many people in this world. Every day you are able to see so many people in school and on the street. Obviously, every person is so much different from each other. So to realize yourself is very important. In order to let me more realize myself, I would like to write a short essay to describe myself.

First, my name is Jason. I’m a hard working person. Although I believe the only way to success is to keep working hard, I also realize that there are so many very hard working people that don’t succeed. Still I will choose the hard working path to successes.

Next, I like to read. If I had leisure time, I would read for all day. While I was reading I could keep learning knowledge from the book. As humans, we learn things over our entire life, and a high quality book can be your teacher to give you instruction when you are missing your direction.

Additionally, I’m a person who likes drinking coffee and listing to music. When I felt tired I would go to convenience store to buy one cup of coffee. While I was drinking coffee I would also listen to music. Meanwhile, I will feel very relaxed. Coffee and music is very important because it provides me with energy for my life. Moreover, music and coffee to me is more a way of life than an interest.

Overall, I’m not a perfect person. There are so many things for me to learn. As mentioned, describing yourself can help you to realize yourself. And then you could change yourself to become a better man.

2015年4月19日 星期日

Movie review

                                                                Movie review
I recently saw a movie called THE LIES WE LIVE. I was very shock with the movie. It was a documentary movie that depicts what happens to the people life. And I highly recommend you to watch this movie. Because it was definitely one to remember.

This movie is mainly about a large competition between people and the environment where people live. People have been to destroy the environment in order to make more profit. However, people didn't realize we are likely to destroy our life as well.

As mentioned, money is simply the tool to control our life. Worthless pieces of paper we depend on to feed us, move us, entertain us. So businessman in order to earn more money they destroy our earth. Moreover over a billion people are still starving despite they having enough food for everybody. Because the businessman were unwilling to share the food to starving people. They are more likely to feed the animals we eat for dinner in order to profit them. A dirty worthless pieces of paper killed people conscience. 

One of the best thing about this movie is that it’s so relatable to our life. We all live in a world most people are selfish. That made us sick about this world. And it has probably gotten into more worse.

Finally, I love this film because this film have tough me a lot of knowledge which I didn't realize before. Overall this is a great movie. If you’re looking for humanly, this is undoubtedly the movie for you.        

2015年4月10日 星期五

How I’m changing myself for the betterment of all

Honestly, I think there is a lot shortcomings not only inside my body but also outside my body. In order to let more people accept me, I would like to change myself to be a better man. I know it was not easy to do it. But make it come true, I hope I will.

First I’m looking in to my body and I see some of negative thinking exist inside my mind. I was worrying about how to make a social contact with the people. I don’t know how to make a friend. Maybe I’m a speech less guy. I have no idea how to communicate with people. Because I’m afraid to say something wrong.

Next I am not a confident man. When I have a chance to talk with someone face to face. I will feel very nervous. I not only afraid to make an eye connect with the people but also I don’t know where to place my hand. Than the person who talk to me will felt very strange indeed.

Then I’m looking to my body and I see some of bad behavior. I was a lazy man. I don’t like to do physical exercise. If I have leisure time I will stay in my room and play online games but not exercise myself. So I think my body is not a healthy body. And also I like to eat junk food such as instant noodles, fast food and so on……………………
Now I knew those food are not good to my body.

Finally in order to change myself I will communicate with people more frequency. Maybe I can learn how to communicate with people from failure. And also I will be more confidence while I was talking to people. Furthermore I will do more physical exercise eat less junk food in order to keep my body more healthy. After that I think more people will accept me as well as I will have more friend.  

2015年3月27日 星期五

If I could change one thing about humanity this is what I would do

If I could change one thing I would eliminate all worries within the human mind. Everyone wants a worry free life. Imagine that in this word, people could live without worries. Oh Lord what a beautiful picture. See there is a father who brought so many gifts to his child and you could either see smile on father or his childs face. The father was smiling because he did not need to worry about money. There is other picture I want to show you. You clearly see there is a man who wants to have a coffee with his friend. He does not need to worry about if his work is done or not and he just hangs out with his friend. Obviously, this is kind of the live you and I are looking for.
No one wants a depressing life. As a human we all knew depression can cause people too have many disease. People desire to live a positive live. But as a result it seems it doesn’t work. In this world having so many people get mental disease or heart disease and so on…………………………………………
So I think the only way we can solve human mental problem is to create a type of medicine which can eliminate all worries within the human mind.

People should have a mental healthy life. As a human we always put more attention to our physical health more than our mental health. In general mental health is more important than physical health. Because physical patient can be treated well by medicine but not mental patients.
In conclusion if I could change one thing about humanity I would eliminate all worries within human mind. Because worries just look like the devil which can destroy so many people lives. Also I think the reason people come to this word is for a happy live, not a depressing live. If we allowing worries to exist in human minds, we cannot be happy people.

2015年3月13日 星期五

Are all Parents Qualified to Raise Children?

 Are all Parents Qualified to Raise Children?
Certainty, not all parents are qualified to raise children. They do not teach their children to walk or speak, and their children do not have good manners before going out into the real world. Unfortunately parent’s even more than professional teachers that we have in school are the most involved in the development and education of their children.
For sure, some parents are not the best teachers in the beginning of their children's lives. Some parents are not completely committed to teaching their children. They just let their children do whatever they went to do. Furthermore some parents teach their children bad behavior by behaving badly in front of their children. While they are behaving badly towards their children, the children learn bad behavior by imitating their parents. This is because their children will unconsciously copy some of their parent’s bad behavior habits and styles of behavior.
During the second stage of child development. Bad parents can still be in the worse position to offer bad advice to their children. In this case, perhaps their parents would be the worse teachers in their lives. In this stage their children will learn bad behavior more quickly than in the previous stage. Because children in this stage are more mature than the previous stage. So we can see that being a teacher of a growing child becomes more and more important as the time passes and many parents are simply not able to meet the increased demands.

On the other hand, I would say that parents are very important to their children. A good parents can make their child become a positive person. And also a bad parents can make their child become a negative person. Thus parents need to be a good model during that period.
In conclusion, not all parents are qualified to raise children. However, children will generally need great diversity of parents and teachers in their lives in order to have a more accurate view of the world. Accordingly, not all parents are qualified to raise children; however, parents are the most important role models to their children and their future. 

2015年1月15日 星期四

Why college degree is just a piece of paper

                                                Why college degree is just a piece of paper
A relatively deep controversy exists over whether or not a college degree is important to us. While some people hold the belief that college degrees are extremely important, others consider the notion of a college degree to not be so important, just a paper. After considerable contemplation pertaining to this matter, I’m of the viewpoint that a college degree is just a paper.   

Firstly, apple creator Steve job quit college in his second year. He found his interest and to started his own business with his friend. They created a lot of high technology products. Furthermore he earned a lot of money and became very wealthy. He did not have college degree, but he was became very successful.

Second of all, there was a man who is very famous in Taiwan called Wong yong qing. He finished his primary school and although he never went to school for study, he was the richest man in Taiwan. Moreover, he made a lot of money each year. See he did not have college degree either, but he was also very successful.
The third reason why I think college degree is just a pieces of paper is that. Here are so many who have become successful without college degrees. They are able to make a lot of money without a college degree. They don’t need to study so much in theory and then they can makes so much money. They don’t need to go to school, and they don’t need to do homework. That they don’t need to take an exam either. And the main thing, I think is they are intelligent because they didn’t need to pay much money to get a useless college degree. I think the reason why so many colleges are able to exist, especially in Taiwan is because too many people don’t realize that a college degree is just a piece of paper. And we need these papers to find a job, because so many company’s request their employees to have these papers. Than they compare you with others, looking for whose paper is more value. And then the winner of this game can got higher wages. Apparently the most valuable paper means that a person has graduated from a high quality school its means had to pay more money to get that degree. And think about it, if we were willing to pay more moneys to get that degree, why not the company give us more money to work.
Another reason why I think college degree is just a piece of paper is that in Taiwan average wages for college graduate student is 22k. But a skills worker is able to make 40-50k for a month. Therefore I think a college degree is not that important for us.

A lot of people are prepared to go to a research institute for study. Because they think a college degree is not enough for then. Those peoples want high wages. So they go to the institute for study, and if they are able to graduate from the research institute they can make 40-50k for a month, the same as skills worker. On the other hand some people think that although skilled workers can make 40-50k for a month they are unwilling to do this job because they think if they do this job they will lose their face. In addition for my personal view, I think people should not be a slave to the money. Because money is also just paper. How can people live just for a piece of paper? So the most important thing is to find your interest. To find work which is interesting to you is very important even though in this job may not make you a lot of money, you will still feel very happy to do your job.    

The last reason why I think a college degree is just a paper is due to some research on the internet. Lots of people graduated from college, and there were unable to find a job. Taiwan has a lot of colleges, and in generals colleges in Taiwan were divided in to two types. The first type is call integrated college. The second type is call Technology College. People can learn some skills in Technology College. But people cannot learn any skills in integrated college.

Even though peoples can learn some skill in technology college, for a lot of companies those people who graduated from technology college are still not good enough to work in there company, because some companies think those people who graduated from a technology college  do not have skills that fit to the company’s needs. That’s mean those peoples who have learned a lot of skill in college were of no use for the company which they want to work. So there are a lot of graduate students unable to find a job.  The other thing I want to talk about is payment. What is payment? I have seen a people who re-define payment on the internet and I think his thought is completely right he said  Re-definition: PAYMENT – the pain-ment of work, labor and effort that one gifts into an activity, product or service. These people, who work to the bone in sweatshops all over the world and all people who work anywhere, are the ones who actually pay and make the PAIN-MENT for our shit that we then buy with money: our iPhoneys, our fancy plastic fantasies, our clothes etc. Workers are the ones who paid for it.

Based upon the aforementioned reasons, I think college degree is just a paper. Naturally, circumstances may dictate otherwise, but as of now this is where my heart sits.